Our Services

Team collaboration

We bring Finance, technology, product, and business teams to work together to continuously improve for efficiency and innovation

Business value of cloud

We'll make conscious trade-off decisions among cost, quality, speed.and make cloud as a driver of innovation.

Taking ownership

We'll help you decentralize the decision making around cost-effective architecture, resource usage, and optimization.

Timely report

We make Reports accessible and timely we process and share cost data as soon as it becomes available.

Centralized team

Rate, commitment, and discount optimization are centralized to take advantage of economies of scale.

variable cost model

We take advantage of the variable cost model of the cloud.as an opportunity to deliver more value

Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE)

How can you take control of cloud costs and align spending with your business goals?

Start by building a cloud center of excellence (CCoE) to support and govern
the execution of your cloud strategy

The CCoE drives collaboration and adoption of best practices across three core descpline
1. financial management
2. operations
3.security and compliance

But it’s hard for CCoE to drive cloud financial strategies without
the right people processes and technology

people such as dedicated account team to guild you through your journey


How To Tackle Your Organization’s Biggest Cloud Challenges

Simplify Financial Management

Report spend by cost center, drive financial accountability against budgets and find ways to optimize your cloud spend.

Streamline Operations

Create custom policies that automate daily cloud operations, speed decision making, and reduce risk. Strengthen Security & Compliance Visualize, investigate, and prevent lateral movements that exploit resource relationships, misconfigurations and entitlements.

Let’s get to work on your next cloud bills